NABONOSEAD: Paleoenvironmental Indicators Derived from NABONE Zooarchaeological Data
Principle authors: Thomas H. McGovern, Thomas J. Ryan Jr., Philip Buckland
Additional contributors: Sophia Perdikaris, James Woollett, Gavin Lucas, Adolf Friðriksson, Orri Vésteinsson, Howell Roberts, Hildur Gestsdóttir, George Hambrecht, Ragnar Edvardsson, Colin Amundsen, Arnar Már Vilhjálmsson, Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, Magnús Á. Sigurgeirsson, Seth Brewington, Ramona Harrison, Konrad Smiarowski, Megan Hicks, Peter Kuchar, Albina Palsdóttir, Caroline Paulsen, Andrea Harðardóttir, James Taylor, Torfi H. Tulinius
Contributing institution: Umeå University, The City University of New York
Publisher: Bioarchaeological Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, City University of New York
Date Created Begin: 1990
Date Created End: Ongoing
Spatial Coverage: Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands
Temporal Coverage: 750 CE - 2017 CE
Subject List (FISH Vocabularies): Archaeological Objects: Butchered Animal Remains, Fresh And Brackish Water, Mollusca Remains, Terrestrial Mollusca Remains, Egg Shell, Bird Remains, Fish Remains, Human Remains, Mammal Remains, Small Mammal Remains; Archaeological Sciences: Oxygen Isotope Analysis, Radiocarbon Dating, Zooarchaeology, Antler, Bone, Eggshell, Tooth, Coarse Sieving, Flotation, Hand Retrieval, Specialist Sampling, Altered By Animals, Burnt, Calcined, Charred, Silicified; Events: Test Pit, Box Trenching, Open Area Excavation, Rescue Excavation, Research Excavation, Post Excavation Assessment; Historic Characterization: Isolated Farm, Farmstead, Manor Farm, Smallholding, Fishing, Fishing Ground.
Relation: NABONE, NABO
Language: English
Format: Access database, PostgreSQL, jSON
Type: Dataset
Creative Commons Licensing: CC BY-NC-SA
Collection method(s): Excavation by trowel, Sieving
Objects/samples collected: Bone
Why are you collecting this data/overall objective?: Consolidating and standardizing 25 years of zooarchaeology data collected from the North Atlantic region.
How will you use this data?: Make this data more usable to others in and beyond the field of zooarchaeology and standardize future data entry.
Important points of interest within data: None listed
Publications: NABONOSEAD Project Report 2021
Description: The NABONOSEAD project combines over twenty years of zooarchaeological datasets from NABO
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Data provided byThe City University of New York