Jardabok: Data on Icelandic Farms
Principle author:Gísli Pálsson
Additional contributors:
Contributing institution: Umea University
Publisher: http://jardabok.com/
Date Created Begin:
Date Created End:
Spatial Coverage: Iceland
Temporal Coverage: 1500-1860
Subject List (FISH Vocabularies): Archaeological Objects: ; Archaeological Sciences: ; Events: ; Historic Characterization:
Language: English
Format: jSON
Type: Dataset
Creative Commons Licensing: CC BY
Collection method(s): Literature Analysis
Objects/samples collected:
Why are you collecting this data/overall objective?:
How will you use this data?:
Important points of interest within data:
Publications: Pálsson, G. (2019). Domination, subsistence, and interdependence: Tracing resource claim networks across Iceland’s post-reformation landscape. Human Ecology, 47(4), 619-636.
Retrieve full project and record-level metadata for Jarkabok: Data on Icelandic Farms on Github.
Data provided by
Umeå University