Reuse and adapt DataArc's code and expand your toolkit with the API

Code Base
All code developed for the DataArc Project is available open access. It is free to reuse and adapt under a creative commons license.
The source code for the search tool is at:
Technical documentation for the 'Why' section is here.
The API code is at:
The datasets and metadata used in the tool are at:
Data Preparation Code
The data for the Icelandic Saga Map and other related Sagas datasets are created by tagging the text with relevant concepts in Microsoft word. These documents are saved as XML, which is then converted to geoJSON for import into dataARC. The code to convert from XML to geoJSON is available at: .

The DataArc search tool is built on an API. This same API can be used to carry out advanced analyses and queries and to visualise data in jupyter or R notebooks, or to pull data from DataArc into your own project's infrastructure.
The API technical documentation is at: A brief API help guide is available at:
Use the graphql playground at: to test your queries and learn to use the API.
You can see examples of the API in use in our project's jupyter notebooks like this one which looks at the levels of connectedness between concepts used in the project and this one which provides a basic example of how to use a jupyter notebook and the API to extract connected data.

dataARC API conceptual schema
Categories for the datasets
- Has many Datasets
A geojson dataset with defined attributes
- Belongs to one Category
- Has many Combinators
- Has many Dataset Fields
- Has many Features
Dataset Field
Fields pulled from the geojson file to allow contributors to set field types and define display text
- Belongs to one Dataset
These are processed datasets broken out into individual features from the geojson file
- Belongs to one Dataset
- Belongs to many Combinators
Connects dataset features with concepts
- Belongs to one Dataset
- Has many Combinator Queries
- Has many Concepts
- Has many Features
Combinator Query
Query to perform on the dataset
- Belongs to one Combinator
Simple concepts such as “woods” or “farms” that allow us to tie datasets together
- Related to many Combinators
- Has many Concept Topics
Concept Map
Topic map file provided by Rachel that contains topics and how they are connected
- Has many Topics
Concept Topic
Topics parsed out of the concept map
- Belongs to one Concept Map
- Belongs to one Concept
Events logged automatically by the api (create, update, delete, etc.)
Temporal Coverage
Predefined time periods for the timeline