Map Your Data

Workshops on Developing Good Mappings for Your Data
The key to linking datasets is matching concepts associated with them -- in dataARC, we call the process of making these linkages "mapping your data". Thinking about how to map your data to the DataArc community's shared concept map can be challenging, so members of the project team have developed materials to guide colleagues contributing to the DataArc Ecosystem.
You can view the workshop presentation slides.
Workshop participants developed sample data mappings ('combinators').
Willem Koster and Polly Thompson, who led the workshops, developed example 'combinators' based on their own data as a guide for workshop participants.
A Conceptual Guide for Developing Good Mappings for Your Data - Part 1
Polly Thompson is a PhD researcher at the University of Edinburgh. Her work explores the use of tephra layers to investigate past environments and landscapes through the evidence they provide about past surface conditions, vegetation coverage and land management activities.
You can read her guide to developing good mappings.

A Conceptual Guide for Developing Good Mappings for Your Data - Part 2
Willem Koster is a PhD researcher at the University of St Andrews, working on developing new methods for meta-analysis of palaeoenvironmental data for Iceland.
You can see his approach to developing mappings for his data ('combinators') here.