dataARC Prototypes
Code and API in development
Search tool Code
The code behind our newly redeveloped search tool, built by CAST at the University of Arkansas, is available on Github:
Learn about the API at:
Try out some grapnel queries against the API at:
Beta Search Tool Prototype
The current dataARC prototype was released in October 2017. This version was developed based on feedback from our initial prototype (see below) developed in 2015 under the initial cyberNABO grant. In this version, you can search by keyword, concept, time, and space. You can move down the page through the search process, save your search, and receive an explanation of why you received the results that you did. For those with administrative permissions, you can create 'combinators,' which are designed to make data understandable to non-specialists that can then be mapped to dataARC concepts. This version will likely look close to our final operational version, as the back end and features are refined based on feedback from our user community.
*This is still very much a prototype, so don't be surprised if there are bugs, but please let us know if you find one!**
Initial Prototype
The initial prototype was created under an initial workshop and planning grant provided by the National Science Foundation (BCS 1439389). This prototype allowed for our user community to provide feedback on tool uses and features. The tool is no longer being updated but is being kept live (for the moment) to show the evolution of the dataARC project and tool.